The Power of Unconditional Love

“The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance.” – Brian Tracy

I have been raised in a family where pure love means a lot. That is why I believe that loving unconditionally is not a sign of weakness at all. It is a real strength because it the reveals the power that we are caring Humans seeking happiness and fulfillment. It is part of what is called “emotional intelligence”.


Life is about giving and receiving. The more balanced these two sides are, the healthiest and sustainable our relationships become. One of my mantras is “Give and don’t expect back anything from people. Life will naturally respond to our actions”. I like comparing relationships to flowers. To allow our relationships to grow, we need to feed them with the perfect amount of water at regular time intervals. Otherwise they just die. Each “death” leads to changes – positive or negative. It all depend on us and our perceptions. What is sure is that we always have to be authentic to who we are if we want to let our souls sing beautifully on a daily basis!

I wish you a lovely Easter Day full of nice surprises and great moments with your beloved ones!

Little Gift: this song “Oh Mother” by Christina Aguilera. Enjoy it!

You can also check the following BeHappYOLO PLAYLIST:

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