Finding Our Rainbows of Life

“Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” Maya Angelou

Rainbows are usually seen as symbols of luck, good fortune, and positive changes. All the colors they contain can also represent diversity and be a sign to help each other out.

Some days can be more challenging than others. I believe that the aim of life is to make our best to learn from each positive and negative experience that life brings to us. Nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes, but sometimes, just a simple “I am sorry” can change everything! Communication is such a powerful tool. It can help the rain fade away and be transformed into fabulous rays of Sun.


I also believe that life is about giving and receiving. I think that finding harmony and balance between these two aspects is essential for everyone’s well-being. Otherwise, we get drained and relationships become toxic.

I wish you all a wonderful day full of rainbows!

Little Gift: this song “Best Thing” by Louis Vivet ft. Gavrielle. Enjoy it!

You can also check the following BeHappYOLO PLAYLIST:

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