Kingdoms Ruled by Our Own Values

“You can try and take away my crown, But I will never let my kingdom down”♫ Crown by Jamila Velazquez

Each of us has his/her own paths of life. Sometimes our paths cross each other, which creates harmonious and magical moments during the ones sharing is the pillar of everything. Listening to others is a great way to broaden our horizons and develop our senses of curiosity.

Building is a process that requires long-term perspectives. Each stone added to the edifice becomes more and more powerful through time. Anticipating, which is a sign of intellectual maturity, is also a great way to be a visionnaire.


I also believe that each period of our lives is made to learn, experience, and grow. That is why it is essential to go step by step and don’t rush. Otherwise, toxic patterns could repeat  themselves again and again.

Little Gift: this song “Crown” by Jamila Velazquez, Raquel Castro, and Yani Marin. Enjoy it!

You can also check the following BeHappYOLO PLAYLIST:

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